Partonomy list P1F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

digestive system

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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
7152 2275 tax
digestive system ; alimentary system
systema digestorium
49184 2276 tax
ostium orale; os
20292 2277 tax
oral cavity
cavitas oris; cavitas ostii oralis
59660 2278 tax
mucosa of mouth; mucous membrane of mouth
tunica mucosa oris
289583 17617 tax
anterior part of mouth
pars anterior ostii oralis
49183 2279 tax
oral vestibule
vestibulum oris; vestibulum ostii oralis
16004 tax
layers of lip of mouth
laminae labii oris
16093 tax
cutaneous part
pars cutanea
60027 22536 tax
mucous layer of region of labial part of mouth
tunica mucosa regionis partis labialis oris
302944 16095 tax
proper layer
lamina propria
16096 tax
epithelial layer
lamina epithelialis
16097 tax
intermediate part ; vermillon border
pars intermedia
16098 tax
proper layer
lamina propria
16099 tax
epithelial layer
lamina epithelialis
46841 1698 tax
orbicular muscle of mouth ; orbicularis oris muscle
musculus orbicularis ostii oralis
59806 2280 tax
oral fissure; oral opening
rima oris
59816 2281 tax
lips of mouth
labia oris
59817 2282 tax
upper lip
labium superius
59819 2283 tax
philtrum of upper lip
philtrum labii superioris
59829 2284 tax
tubercle of upper lip
tuberculum labii superioris
59818 2285 tax
lower lip
labium inferius
59821 2286 tax
frenulum of upper lip
frenulum labii superioris
59822 2287 tax
frenulum of lower lip
frenulum labii inferioris
277716 2288 tax
labial commissure (pair)
commissura labiorum majorum vulvae (par)
77269 2289 tax
angle of mouth (pair)
angulus oris (par)
46476 2290 tax
cheek (pair)
bucca (par)
59799 2291 tax
buccal fat pad (pair)
corpus adiposum buccae (par)
77270 2292 tax
juxtaoral organ (pair)
organum juxtaorale (par)
77272 2293 tax
papilla of parotid duct (pair)
papilla ductus parotidei (par)
49182 2294 tax
proper oral cavity
cavitas oris propria
54549 2295 tax
55023 2296 tax
hard palate
palatum durum
55021 2440 tax
soft palate ; palatal velum
palatum molle ; velum palatinale
55022 2441 tax
uvula of palate
uvula palatinalis
75111 2298 tax
palatal raphe
raphe palati
2299 tax
transverse palatal folds (pair) ; palatine rugae (pair)
plicae palatinales transversae (par) ; rugae palatinae (par)
77185 2300 tax
incisive papilla
papilla incisiva
59762 2301 tax
gingiva ; gum
77273 2305 tax
sublingual caruncle
caruncula sublingualis
54660 2306 tax
sublingual fold
plica sublingualis
9597 2307 tax
glands of mouth (pair) ; salivatory glands (pair)
glandulae oris (par) ; glandulae salivariae (par)
59788 2308 tax
major salivary glands (pair)
glandulae salivariae majores (par)
59790 2309 tax
parotid gland (pair)
glandula parotidea (par)
59809 2310 tax
superficial part of parotid gland (pair)
pars superficialis glandulae parotideae (par)
59812 2311 tax
deep part of parotid gland (pair)
pars profunda glandulae parotideae (par)
15915 tax
glenoid process of parotid gland (pair)
processus glenoidalis glandulae parotideae (par)
15916 tax
pterygoid process of parotid gland (pair)
processus pterygoideus glandulae parotideae (par)
10420 2313 tax
parotid duct (pair)
ductus parotideus (par)
59823 2312 tax
accessory parotid gland (pair)
glandula parotidea accessoria (par)
59791 2314 tax
sublingual glands (pair)
glandulae sublinguales (par)
16005 tax
greater sublingual gland (pair)
glandula sublingualis major (par)
59986 2315 tax
major sublingual duct (pair)
ductus sublingualis major (par)
lesser sublingual glands (pair)
glandulae sublinguales minores (par)
59987 2316 tax
minor sublingual ducts (pair)
ductus sublinguales minores (par)
55093 2317 tax
submandibular gland (pair)
glandula submandibularis (par)
86266 2318 tax
submandibular duct (pair)
ductus submandibularis (par)
59789 2319 tax
lesser salivatory glands (pair)
glandulae salivariae minores (par)
59792 2320 tax
labial glands (pair)
glandulae labiales (par)
59793 2321 tax
buccal glands (pair)
glandulae buccales (par)
59794 2322 tax
molar glands (pair)
glandulae molares (par)
59795 2323 tax
palatal glands (pair)
glandulae palatinales (par)
59796 2324 tax
lingual glands (pair)
glandulae linguales (par)
54640 2403 tax
54644 2404 tax
body of tongue
corpus linguae
54645 2405 tax
root of tongue
radix linguae
54651 2406 tax
dorsum of tongue
dorsum linguae
281506 2407 tax
anterior part of dorsum of tongue ; presulcal part of dorsum of tongue
pars anterior dorsi linguae ; pars presulcalis dorsi linguae
281575 2408 tax
posterior part of dorsum of tongue ; postsulcal part of dorsum of tongue
pars posterior dorsi linguae ; pars postsulcalis dorsi linguae
54648 2409 tax
inferior surface of tongue ; ventral surface of tongue
facies inferior linguae ; facies ventralis linguae
54656 2410 tax
fimbriated fold of tongue
plica fimbriata linguae
54650 2411 tax
border of tongue (pair)
margo linguae (par)
54649 2412 tax
apex of tongue ; tip of tongue
apex linguae
54807 2413 tax
mucosa of tongue; mucous membrane of tongue
tunica mucosa linguae
54659 2414 tax
frenulum of tongue ; lingual frenulum
frenulum linguae
71446 2415 tax
lingual papillae
papillae linguales
71447 2416 tax
filiform papillae
papillae filiformes
71448 2417 tax
fungiform papillae
papillae fungiformes
71449 2418 tax
vallate papillae
papillae vallatae
71450 2419 tax
foliate papillae
papillae foliatae
54835 2420 tax
median sulcus of tongue; midline groove of tongue
sulcus medianus linguae
54790 2421 tax
terminal groove of tongue (pair)
sulcus terminalis linguae (par)
57443 2422 tax
foramen cecum of tongue ▲
foramen caecum linguae
77274 2423 tax
(thyroglossal duct )
(ductus thyroglossus )
54836 2424 tax
lingual tonsil
tonsilla lingualis
2425 tax
lymphatic nodules ; lymphoid nodules
noduli lymphatici ; noduli lymphoidei
76591 4893 tax
crypts of lingual tonsil; tonsillar crypts
cryptae tonsillae lingualis
54813 2426 tax
lingual septum
septum linguae
46689 1728 tax
muscles of tongue
musculi linguae
54841 2427 tax
lingual aponeurosis
aponeurosis linguae
55019 2438 tax
55006 2439 tax
isthmus of fauces ; oropharyngeal isthmus
isthmus faucium
55021 2440 tax
soft palate ; palatal velum
palatum molle ; velum palatinale
55022 2441 tax
uvula of palate
uvula palatinalis
55024 2442 tax
palatoglossal arch ; palatopharyngeal fold; anterior pillar of fauces
arcus palatoglossus ; plica anterior faucium
55048 2443 tax
(triangular fold )
(plica triangularis )
55025 2444 tax
palatopharyngeal arch ; palatopharyngeal fold; posterior pillar of fauces
arcus palatopharyngeus ; plica posterior faucium
55049 2445 tax
(semilunar fold )
(plica semilunaris )
55041 2446 tax
tonsillar fossa (pair) ; tonsillar sinus (pair) ; tonsillar bed (pair)
fossa tonsillaris (par) ; sinus tonsillaris (par)
55050 2447 tax
supratonsillar fossa (pair)
fossa supratonsillaris (par)
55045 2450 tax
(tonsillar cleft (pair); intratonsillar cleft (pair))
(fissura tonsillaris (par) ; fissura intratonsillaris (par))
46726 1729 tax
muscles of soft palate
musculi palati mollis
46697 2437 tax
palatoglossal muscle ; palatoglossus muscle
musculus palatoglossus
46688 2460 tax
15919 tax
layers of pharynx
laminae pharyngis
15920 tax
muscular layer of pharynx
tunica muscularis pharyngis
55072 2487 tax
submucosa of pharynx; submucous layer of pharynx
tela submucosa pharyngis
55074 2486 tax
pharyngobasilar fascia
fascia pharyngobasilaris
55031 2488 tax
mucosa of pharynx; mucous membrane of pharynx
tunica mucosa pharyngis
16007 tax
proper layer of mucosa of pharynx
lamina propria mucosae pharyngis
16008 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of pharynx
lamina epithelialis mucosae pharyngis
55075 2489 tax
pharyngeal glands
glandulae pharyngeales
54935 2461 tax
cavity of pharynx
cavitas pharyngis
54878 2462 tax
pars nasalis pharyngis; nasopharynx
54906 2463 tax
fornix of pharynx
fornix pharyngis
55005 2464 tax
pharyngeal hypophysis
hypophysis pharyngea
54970 2465 tax
pharyngeal tonsil
tonsilla pharyngea
268974 2466 tax
pits of pharyngeal tonsil; tonsillar pits
fossulae tonsillae pharyngeae
76591 2467 tax
crypts of pharyngeal tonsil; tonsillar crypts
cryptae tonsillae pharyngeae
2468 tax
lymphatic nodules ; lymphoid nodules
noduli lymphatici ; noduli lymphoidei
54986 2469 tax
(pharyngeal bursa )
(bursa pharyngea )
54979 2470 tax
pharyngeal opening of auditory tube (pair)
ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae (par) ; ostium pharyngeum tubae auditoriae (par)
54993 2471 tax
torus tubarius (pair)
torus tubarius (par)
54987 2472 tax
salpingopharyngeal fold (pair)
plica salpingopharyngea (par)
54990 2473 tax
salpingopalatal fold (pair)
plica salpingopalatinalis (par)
54996 2474 tax
torus levatorius (pair)
torus levatorius (par)
54975 2475 tax
tubal tonsil
tonsilla tubaria
54999 2476 tax
pharyngeal recess (pair)
recessus pharyngeus (par)
55002 2477 tax
palatopharyngeal ridge (pair)
crista palatopharyngea (par)
54879 2478 tax
pars oralis pharyngis; oropharynx
55037 2479 tax
epiglottic vallecula (pair)
vallecula epiglottica (par)
55039 2480 tax
median glossoepiglottic fold
plica glossoepiglottica mediana
55040 2481 tax
lateral glossoepiglottic fold (pair)
plica glossoepiglottica lateralis (par)
54880 2482 tax
laryngopharynx ; hypopharynx
pars laryngea pharyngis; laryngopharynx
55067 2483
piriform fossa (pair)
recessus piriformis (par)
55073 2484 tax
fold of superior laryngeal nerve of vagus nerve (pair)
plica nervi laryngei superioris (par)
76684 2485 tax
pharyngooesophageal constriction
constrictio pharyngooesophagea ; introitus oesophagei
46619 1768 tax
pharyngeal muscles
musculi pharyngis
46666 2457 tax
palatopharyngeal muscle ; palatopharyngeus muscle
musculus palatopharyngeus
7131 2509 tax
15973 tax
layers of oesophagus
laminae oesophagi
63057 2515 tax
serosa of oesophagus; serous coat of oesophagus
tunica serosa oesophagi
62997 2516 tax
subserosa of oesophagus; subserous layer of oesophagus
tunica subserosa oesophagi
63006 2517 tax
adventitia of oesophagus
tunica adventitia oesophagi
62998 2518 tax
muscular layer of oesophagus ; muscular coat of oesophagus
tunica muscularis oesophagi
76887 2519 tax
cricooesophageal tendon
tendo cricooesophagealis
77225 2520 tax
bronchooesophageal muscle ; bronchooesophageus muscle ▲
musculus bronchooesophagealis
77226 2521 tax
pleurooesophageal muscle ; pleurooesophageus muscle ▲
musculus pleurooesophagealis
62997 2522 tax
submucosa of oesophagus; submucosal layer of oesophagus
tela submucosa oesophagi
62996 2523 tax
mucosa of oesophagus; mucous membrane of oesophagus
tunica mucosa oesophagi
63050 2524 tax
muscular layer of mucosa of oesophagus
lamina muscularis mucosae oesophagi
63050 10457 tax
proper layer of mucosa of oesophagus
lamina propria mucosae oesophagi
10928 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of oesophagus
lamina epithelialis mucosae oesophagi
9395 2510 tax
cervical part of oesophagus
pars cervicalis oesophagi ; pars colli oesophagi
9396 2511 tax
thoracic part of oesophagus
pars thoracica oesophagi
76686 2512 tax
bronchoaortic constriction ; constriction of thoracic part of oesophagus
constrictio bronchoaortica ; constrictio partis thoracicae oesophagi
76687 2513 tax
diaphragmatic constriction ; phrenic constriction
constrictio diaphragmatica ; constrictio phrenica
9397 2514 tax
abdominal part of oesophagus
pars abdominalis oesophagi
9404 2525 tax
oesophageal glands
glandulae oesophageales
7148 2526 tax
14583 2527 tax
anterior wall of stomach
paries anterior gastris
14584 2528 tax
posterior wall of stomach
paries posterior gastris
14574 2529 tax
greater curvature of stomach
curvatura major gastris
14572 2530 tax
lesser curvature of stomach
curvatura minor gastris
14573 2531 tax
angular notch
incisura angularis
15974 tax
gastric layers
laminae gastricae
14914 2544 tax
serosa of stomach; serous coat of stomach
tunica serosa gastris
14913 2545 tax
subserosa of stomach; subserous layer of stomach
tela subserosa gastris
14909 2546 tax
muscular layer of stomach ; muscular coat of stomach
tunica muscularis gastris
14910 2547 tax
longitudinal muscular layer of muscular layer of stomach
stratum musculare longitudinale tunicae muscularis gastris
63252 6858 tax
myenteric nervous plexus
plexus nervosus myentericus
14911 2548 tax
circular muscular layer of muscular layer of stomach
stratum musculare circulare tunicae muscularis gastris
77276 2550 tax
oblique fibres of pyloric sphincter muscle
fibrae obliquae musculi sphincteris pylorici
14908 2551 tax
submucosa of stomach; submucosal layer of stomach
tela submucosa gastris
14907 2552 tax
mucosa of stomach; mucous membrane of stomach
tunica mucosa gastris
15106 2553 tax
gastric folds ; gastric rugaes
plicae gastricae
14924 2554 tax
muscular layer of mucosa of stomach
lamina muscularis mucosae gastris
17448 15550 tax
proper layer of mucosa of stomach
lamina propria mucosae gastris
10458 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of stomach
lamina epithelialis mucosae gastris
322983 2555 tax
gastric areas
areae gastricae
2556 tax
villous folds
plicae villosae
62947 2557 tax
gastric foveolae
foveolae gastricae
14919 2558 tax
gastric glands
glandulae gastricae
14561 2532 tax
cardia ; cardiac part; cardial part
cardia ; pars cardiaca
77190 2533 tax
cardiac opening ; cardiac orifice
ostium cardiacum
14559 2534 tax
gastric fundus
fundus gastricus ; fundus gastris
77192 2535 tax
gastric fornix
fornix gastricus ; fornix gastris
14576 2536 tax
cardiac notch ; cardial notch
incisura cardiaca
14560 2537 tax
gastric body
corpus gastricum ; corpus gastris
17093 2538 tax
gastric canal
canalis gastricus ; canalis gastris
14581 2539 tax
pyloric part
pars pylorica
14579 2540 tax
pyloric antrum
antrum pyloricum
14580 2541 tax
pyloric canal
canalis pyloricus
14581 2542 tax
14916 2549 tax
pyloric sphincter muscle ; pyloric sphincter
musculus sphincter pyloricus
14565 2543 tax
pyloric opening ; pyloric orifice
ostium pyloricum
7200 2559 tax
small intestine
intestinum tenue
16057 tax
layers of small intestine
laminae intestini tenuis
14938 2560 tax
serosa of small intestine; serous coat of small intestine
tunica serosa intestini tenuis
14937 2561 tax
subserosa of small intestine; subserous layer of small intestine
tela subserosa intestini tenuis
14932 2562 tax
muscular layer of small intestine ; muscular coat of small intestine
tunica muscularis intestini tenuis
14936 2563 tax
longitudinal layer ; long pitch helicoidal layer
stratum longitudinale ; stratum helicoidale longi gradus
63252 6858 tax
myenteric nervous plexus
plexus nervosus myentericus
14935 2564 tax
circular layer ; short pitch helicoidal layer
stratum circulare ; stratum helicoidale brevis gradus
15071 2565 tax
circular folds
plicae circulares
14934 2566 tax
submucosa of small intestine; submucosal layer of small intestine
tela submucosa intestini tenuis
16011 tax
external submucous plexus of small intestine
plexus submucosus externus intestini tenuis
16012 tax
internal submucous plexus of small intestine
plexus submucosus internus intestini tenuis
14933 2567 tax
mucosa of small intestine; mucous membrane of small intestine
tunica mucosa intestini tenuis
15051 2568 tax
muscular layer of mucosa of small intestine
lamina muscularis mucosae intestini tenuis
15651 15551 tax
proper layer of mucosa of small intestine
lamina propria mucosae intestini tenuis
76465 2571 tax
solitary lymph nodules
noduli lymphatici solitarii ; noduli lymphoidei solitarii
76466 2572 tax
aggregated lymph nodules
noduli lymphatici aggregati ; noduli lymphoidei aggregati
10459 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of small intestine
lamina epithelialis mucosae intestini tenuis
15072 2569 tax
intestinal villi
villi intestinales
223272 2570 tax
intestinal glands of small intestine
glandulae intestinales intestini tenuis
7206 2573 tax
14926 2574 tax
superior part of duodenum
pars superior duodeni
14927 2575 tax
duodenal bulb; duodenal ampulla ; duodenal cap
duodeni ; ampulla duodenalis
15955 2576 tax
superior duodenal flexure
flexura duodeni superior
14928 2577 tax
descending part of duodenum
pars descendens duodeni
promontory of duodenum
promontorium duodeni
15956 2578 tax
inferior duodenal flexure
flexura duodeni inferior
14929 2579 tax
horizontal part of duodenum ; inferior part of duodenum ; transverse part of duodenum
pars horizontalis duodeni ; pars inferior duodeni
14930 2580 tax
ascending part of duodenum
pars ascendens duodeni
15957 2581 tax
duodenojejunal flexure ; duodenojejunal junction
flexura duodenojejunalis
268674 2582 tax
retroperineal part
pars retroperinealis
20509 2583 tax
suspensory muscle of duodenum ; suspensory ligament of duodenum
musculus suspensorius duodeni ; ligamentum suspensorium duodeni
77194 2584 tax
phrenicocoeliac part
pars phrenicocoeliaca
77195 2585 tax
coeliacoduodenal part
pars coeliacoduodenalis
15954 2586 tax
longitudinal fold of duodenum
plica longitudinalis duodeni
15074 2587 tax
greater papilla of duodenum
papilla duodeni major
15075 2588 tax
lesser papilla of duodenum
papilla duodeni minor
71622 2589 tax
duodenal glands
glandulae duodenales
7207 2590 tax
7208 2591 tax
14966 2592 tax
terminal ileum
pars terminalis
14967 2593 tax
(ileal diverticulum)
(diverticulum ilei )
ileocaecal flexure
flexura ileocaecalis
ileocaecal angle
angulus ileocaecalis
7201 2594 tax
large intestine
intestinum crassum
16068 tax
layers of large intestine
laminae intestini crassi
14975 2595 tax
serosa of large intestine; serous coat of large intestine
tunica serosa intestini crassi
14974 2596 tax
subserosa of large intestine; subserous layer of large intestine
tela subserosa intestini crassi
14971 2597 tax
muscular layer of large intestine ; muscular coat of large intestine
tunica muscularis intestini crassi
63639 16016 tax
longitudinal muscular layer
stratum musculare longitudinale
63252 6858 tax
myenteric nervous plexus
plexus nervosus myentericus
63640 16018 tax
circular muscular layer
stratum musculare circulare
14970 2598 tax
submucous layer of large intestine
tela submucosa intestini crassi
16019 tax
external submucous plexus of large intestine
plexus submucosus externus intestini crassi
16020 tax
internal submucous plexus of large intestine
plexus submucosus internus intestini crassi
14969 2599 tax
mucosa of large intestine; mucous membrane of large intestine
tunica mucosa intestini crassi
15655 2600 tax
muscular layer of mucosa of large intestine
lamina muscularis mucosae intestini crassi
15654 15552 tax
proper layer of mucosa of large intestine
lamina propria mucosae intestini crassi
10464 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of large intestine
lamina epithelialis mucosae intestini crassi
15052 2601 tax
intestinal glands ; crypts of large intestine
glandulae intestinales ; cryptae intestini crassi
14541 2602 tax
15980 2603 tax
ileal papilla ; ileocaecal papilla
papilla ilealis ; papilla ileocaecalis
15989 2604 tax
ileal opening ; orifice of ileal papilla
ostium ileale
76888 2605 tax
frenulum of ileal opening ; frenulum of ileocaecal valve
frenulum ostii ilealis ; frenulum valvulae ileocaecalis
76889 2606 tax
ileocolic labrum ; superior labrum of ileal opening
labrum ileocolicum ; labrum superius ostii ilealis
76890 2607 tax
ileocaecal labrum ; inferior labrum of ileal opening
labrum ileocaecale ; labrum inferius ostii ilealis
14542 2608 tax
vermiform appendix ; appendix
appendix vermiformis
14557 2609 tax
opening of vermiform appendix ; orifice of appendix
ostium appendicis vermiformis
63609 2610 tax
lymph nodules of vermiform appendix
noduli lymphatici aggregati appendicis vermiformis ; noduli lymphoidei aggregati appendicis vermiformis
76766 2611 tax
(precaecocolic fascia ▲)
(fascia precaecocolica )
14543 2612 tax
14545 2613 tax
ascending colon
colon ascendens
14550 2614 tax
right flexure of colon ; hepatic flexure of colon
flexura coli dextra ; flexura coli hepatica
14546 2615 tax
transverse colon
colon transversum
14551 2616 tax
left flexure of colon ; splenic flexure of colon
flexura coli sinistra ; flexura coli splenica
14547 2617 tax
descending colon
colon descendens
16021 tax
descending flexure of colon
flexura coli descendens
14548 2618 tax
sigmoid colon
colon sigmoideum
16022 tax
rectosigmoid flexure
flexura rectosigmoidea
75656 2619 tax
semilunar folds of colon
plicae semilunares coli
14552 2620 tax
haustra of colon
haustra coli
76481 2621 tax
omental appendixes ; epiploic appendixes ; fatty appendixes of colon
appendices omentales ; appendices epiploicae ; appendices adiposae coli
16023 tax
layers of colon
laminae coli
14986 2622 tax
muscular layer of colon ; muscular coat of colon
tunica muscularis coli
14987 2623 tax
longitudinal layer of muscular layer of colon
stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis coli
15041 2624 tax
taeniae of colon
taeniae coli
15042 2625 tax
mesocolic taenia
taenia mesocolica
15043 2626 tax
omental taenia
taenia omentalis
15044 2627 tax
free taenia
taenia libera
14988 2628 tax
circular layer of muscular layer of colon
stratum circulare tunicae muscularis coli
14544 2629 tax
15719 2630 tax
sacral flexure of rectum
flexura sacralis recti
76600 2631 tax
lateral flexures of rectum
flexurae laterales recti
66305 2632 tax
superior lateral flexure ; superodextral lateral flexure
flexura lateralis superior ; flexura superodextra lateralis
66306 2633 tax
intermediate lateral flexure ; intermediosinistral lateral flexure
flexura lateralis intermedia ; flexura intermediosinistra lateralis
66307 2634 tax
inferior lateral flexure ; inferodextral lateral flexure
flexura lateralis inferior ; flexura inferodextra lateralis
15722 2635 tax
transverse folds of rectum
plicae transversae recti
66301 16070 tax
superior transverse fold of rectum
plica transversa recti superior
66302 16071 tax
middle transverse fold of rectum
plica transversa recti media
66303 16072 tax
inferior transverse fold of rectum
plica transversa recti inferior
15721 2636 tax
rectal ampulla
ampulla recti
16024 tax
layers of rectum
laminae recti
15035 2637 tax
muscular layer ; muscular coat
tunica muscularis
15036 2638 tax
longitudinal muscular layer of rectum
stratum musculare longitudinale recti
77237 2639 tax
rectococcygeal muscle ; rectococcygeus muscle
musculus rectococcygeus
75646 2640 tax
rectourethral muscles ; anorectoperitoneal muscles
musculi rectourethrales ; musculi anorectoperitoneales
77241 2641 tax
superior rectourethral muscle ; rectoperitoneal muscle ; rectoperinealis muscle
musculus rectourethralis superior ; musculus rectoperitonealis
77240 2642 tax
inferior rectourethral muscle ; anoperitoneal muscle ; anoperinealis muscle
musculus rectourethralis inferior ; musculus anoperitonealis
15945 1946 tax
rectovesicalis muscle; rectovesicalis
musculus rectovesicalis
15037 2643 tax
circular muscular layer of rectum
stratum musculare circulare recti
77243 2644 tax
lateral ligament of rectum ; rectal stalk
ligamentum recti laterale
15703 2645 tax
anal canal
canalis analis
29335 2646 tax
anorectal flexure ; perineal flexure
flexura anorectalis ; flexura perinealis
15716 2647 tax
anorectal junction
junctio anorectalis
76683 2651 tax
transitional zone of anal canal; haemorrhoidal zone
zona transitionalis canalis analis ; zona haemorrhoidalis
15713 2648 tax
anal columns ; rectal columns
columnae anales
76584 2650 tax
anal sinuses ; rectal sinuses; anal crypts
sinus anales
29321 2653 tax
pectinate line ; dentate line
linea pectinata
15714 2649 tax
anal valvules
valvulae anales
28009 2654 tax
intermediate zone of anal canal ; anal pecten
zona intermedia canalis analis ; pecten analis
49461 2652 tax
anocutaneous line
linea anocutanea
16030 tax
cutaneous zone of anal canal
zona cutanea canalis analis
muscles of anal canal
musculi canalis analis
15710 2655 tax
internal sphincter muscle of anus
musculus sphincter ani internus
21930 1962 tax
external sphincter muscle of anus ; external anal sphincter; sphincter externus ani muscle
musculus sphincter ani externus
27292 1965 tax
deep part of external sphincter muscle of anus ; deep part of puborectal muscle
pars profunda musculi sphincteris ani externi ; pars profunda musculi puborectalis
27287 1964 tax
superficial part of external sphincter muscle of anus ; superficial part of puborectal muscle
pars superficialis musculi sphincteris ani externi ; pars superficialis musculi puborectalis
27286 1963 tax
subcutaneous part of external sphincter muscle of anus
pars subcutanea musculi sphincteris ani externi
16026 tax
corrugator cutis muscle of anus
musculus corrugator cutis ani
15715 2656 tax
intersphincteric groove
sulcus intersphinctericus
15711 2657 tax
7197 2658 tax
15729 2659 tax
diaphragmatic face of liver
facies diaphragmatica hepatis
14475 2660 tax
superior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars superior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
76678 2661 tax
cardiac impression of diaphragmatic face of liver
impressio cardiaca faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14476 2662 tax
anterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars anterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14477 2663 tax
right part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars dextra faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14478 2664 tax
posterior part of diaphragmatic face of liver
pars posterior faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14480 2665 tax
nude area of diaphragmatic face of liver
area nuda faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
14492 2666 tax
groove for inferior vena cava
sulcus venae cavae inferioris
14491 2667 tax
fissure for ligamentum venosum
fissura ligamenti venosi
14080 2668 tax
venous ligament
ligamentum venosum
14479 2669 tax
visceral face of liver
facies visceralis hepatis
11139 tax
right sagittal fissure
fissura sagittalis dextra
14492 2666 tax
groove for inferior vena cava
sulcus venae cavae inferioris
9878 4426 tax
ligament of left superior hollow vein
ligamentum venae cavae superioris sinistrae
14494 2670 tax
fossa for gallbladder
fossa vesicae biliaris ; fossa vesicae felleae
11141 tax
left sagittal fissure
fissura sagittalis sinistra
75115 2671 tax
fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for round ligament
fissura ligamenti teretis hepatis
14079 2672 tax
round ligament of liver
ligamentum teres hepatis
14491 2667 tax
fissure for ligamentum venosum
fissura ligamenti venosi
15758 2673 tax
porta hepatis
porta hepatis
15735 2674 tax
omental tuber
tuber omentale
14486 2675 tax
oesophageal impression
impressio oesophagea
14487 2676 tax
gastric impression
impressio gastrica
14485 2677 tax
duodenal impression
impressio duodenalis
14484 2678 tax
colic impression
impressio colica
14488 2679 tax
renal impression
impressio renalis
14489 2680 tax
suprarenal impression
impressio suprarenalis
14482 2681 tax
inferior border of liver
margo inferior hepatis
14493 2682 tax
notch of round ligament of liver
incisura ligamenti teretis hepatis
75117 2691 tax
umbilical fissure
fissura umbilicalis
75118 2692 tax
main portal fissure
fissura portalis principalis
75119 2693 tax
right portal fissure
fissura portalis dextra
2690 tax
hepatic segmentation
segmentatio hepatis
13361 11169 tax
lobes of liver
lobi hepatis
15810 2694 tax
left part of liver; left liver
pars hepatis sinistra ; lobus sinister hepatis
76894 2695 tax
left lateral subdivision
divisio lateralis sinistra
15739 2696 tax
left lateral posterior segment ; segment II
segmentum posterius laterale sinistrum ; segmentum II
15741 2697 tax
left lateral anterior segment ; segment III
segmentum anterius laterale sinistrum ; segmentum III
fibrous appendix of liver
appendix fibrosa hepatis
76895 2698 tax
left medial subdivision
divisio medialis sinistra
15742 2699 tax
left medial segment ; segment IV
segmentum mediale sinistrum ; segmentum IV
13365 2700 tax
posterior part of liver; posterior liver; caudate lobe
pars hepatis posterior ; lobus caudatus
15751 2701 tax
posterior segment ; segment I
segmentum posterius ; segmentum I
papillary process
processus papillaris
caudate process
processus caudatus
13364 2686 tax
quadrate lobe
lobus quadratus
15809 2702 tax
right part of liver; right liver
pars hepatis dextra ; lobus dexter hepatis
76896 2703 tax
right medial subdivision
divisio medialis dextra
15743 2704 tax
right medial anterior segment ; segment V
segmentum anterius mediale dextrum ; segmentum V
15746 2705 tax
right medial posterior segment ; segment VIII
segmentum posterius mediale dextrum ; segmentum VIII
76897 2706 tax
right lateral subdivision
divisio lateralis dextra
15744 2707 tax
right lateral anterior segment ; segment VI
segmentum anterius laterale dextrum ; segmentum VI
15745 2708 tax
right lateral posterior segment ; segment VII
segmentum posterius laterale dextrum ; segmentum VII
11149 tax
accessory lobe of liver
lobus accessorius hepatis
15678 tax
anterior segments
segmenta anteriora
15679 tax
posterior segments
segmenta posteriora
14655 18131 tax
layers of liver
laminae hepatis
15811 2709 tax
serosa; serous coat
tunica serosa
15812 2710 tax
subserosa; subserous layer
tela subserosa
15813 2711 tax
fibrous capsule; fibrous layer
tunica fibrosa
14472 2712 tax
perivascular fibrous capsule
capsula fibrosa perivascularis
14495 2713 tax
lobules of liver ; hepatic lobules
lobuli hepatis
11150 tax
portal tract ; interlobar tract
tractus portalis ; trias portalis interlobaris; trias hepatica
17546 2714 tax
interlobular arteries
arteriae interlobulares
17548 2715 tax
interlobular veins
venae interlobulares
68016 2717 tax
interlobular bile ducts
ductus biliferi interlobulares
17544 2716 tax
central veins
venae centrales
14668 2718 tax
common hepatic duct
ductus hepaticus communis
14669 2719 tax
right hepatic duct
ductus hepaticus dexter
76898 2720 tax
anterior branch
ramus anterior
76899 2721 tax
posterior branch
ramus posterior
14670 2722 tax
left hepatic duct
ductus hepaticus sinister
76900 2723 tax
lateral branch
ramus lateralis
76901 2724 tax
medial branch
ramus medialis
76902 2725 tax
right duct of caudate lobe
ductus lobi caudati dexter
76903 2726 tax
left duct of caudate lobe
ductus lobi caudati sinister
7202 2727 tax
vesica biliaris ; vesica fellea
14536 2728 tax
fundus of gallbladder
fundus vesicae biliaris ; fundus vesicae felleae
76652 2729 tax
infundibulum of gallbladder
infundibulum vesicae biliaris ; infundibulum vesicae felleae
14537 2730 tax
body of gallbladder
corpus vesicae biliaris ; corpus vesicae felleae
14538 2731 tax
neck of gallbladder
collum vesicae biliaris ; collum vesicae felleae
11153 tax
layers of gallbladder
laminae vesicae biliaris
14659 2732 tax
serosa of gallbladder; serous coat of gallbladder
tunica serosa vesicae biliaris
14660 2733 tax
subserosa of gallbladder; subserous layer of gallbladder
tela subserosa vesicae biliaris
14661 2734 tax
muscular layer of gallbladder ; muscular coat of gallbladder
tunica muscularis vesicae biliaris
14662 2735 tax
mucosa of gallbladder; mucous membrane of gallbladder
tunica mucosa vesicae biliaris
278594 15553 tax
proper layer of mucosa of gallbladder
lamina propria mucosae vesicae biliaris
15554 tax
epithelial layer of mucosa of gallbladder
lamina epithelialis mucosae vesicae biliaris
75658 2736 tax
folds of mucosa of gallbladder ; rugae of gallbladder
plicae mucosae vesicae biliaris ; rugae vesicae biliaris
11154 tax
crypt of mucosae; sinus of mucosae
cryptae mucosae; sinus mucosae
14678 11151 tax
extrahepatic biliary ducts
ductus biliares extrahepatici
14668 2718 tax
common hepatic duct
ductus hepaticus communis
14539 2737 tax
cystic duct
ductus cysticus
15855 2738 tax
spiral fold
plica spiralis
14667 2739 tax
bile duct; common bile duct
ductus biliaris ; ductus choledochus
15078 2740 tax
sphincter muscle of bile duct
musculus sphincter ductus biliaris ; musculus sphincter ductus choledochi
76653 2741 tax
superior sphincter muscle
musculus sphincter superior
76654 2742 tax
inferior sphincter muscle
musculus sphincter inferior
15076 2743 tax
hepatopancreatic ampulla ; biliaropancreatic ampulla
ampulla hepatopancreatica ; ampulla biliaropancreatica
15077 2744 tax
sphincter muscle of hepatopancreatic ampulla
musculus sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae
71624 2745 tax
gland of bile ducts
glandulae ductus biliaris ; glandulae ductus choledochi
7198 2746 tax
10468 2747 tax
head of pancreas
caput pancreatis
15857 2748 tax
uncinate process of pancreas
processus uncinatus pancreatis
75120 2749 tax
pancreatic notch
incisura pancreatis
14517 2750 tax
neck of pancreas
collum pancreatis
14518 2751 tax
body of pancreas
corpus pancreatis
76675 2752 tax
anterosuperior surface of pancreas
facies anterosuperior pancreatis
14523 2753 tax
posterior surface of pancreas
facies posterior pancreatis
14524 2754 tax
anteroinferior surface of pancreas
facies anteroinferior pancreatis
14530 2755 tax
superior border of pancreas
margo superior pancreatis
14531 2756 tax
anterior border of pancreas
margo anterior pancreatis
14532 2757 tax
inferior border of pancreas
margo inferior pancreatis
15858 2758 tax
omental tuber of pancreas
tuber omentale pancreatis
14519 2759 tax
tail of pancreas
cauda pancreatis
10419 2760 tax
pancreatic duct
ductus pancreaticus
77196 2761 tax
sphincter muscle of pancreatic duct
musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici
14534 2762 tax
accessory pancreatic duct
ductus pancreaticus accessorius
76835 2763 tax
(accessory pancreas )
(pancreas accessorium )
76489 2764 tax
pancreatic islets
insulae pancreaticae
447 lines
66.2 %
80.1 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Tunica subserosa is only present in the abdominal part of the oesophagus.
Tunica adventitia is present in the cervical and thoracic parts of the oesophagus.
This is the ligament of the left superior vena cava, rather than simply the vena cava.
On the visceral surface of the liver two perpendicular depressions are found, the fissura sagittalis dextra and sinistra. They are connected by the porta hepatis, forming an H-like figure.
See note # 11139
An accessory lobe of Riedel may be present as part of the right lobe of the liver. Musil et al. (2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13) suggested the term Processus appendicularis hepatis.
The term Tractus portalis was introduced in TA2 for the entrance of the interlobular arteries, veins and bile ducts.
The ileocaecal flexure indicates the altered direction of the gut (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
The ileocaecal angle is an acute angle between the walls of the terminal ileum and the caecum (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
The promontorium duodeni is a localized bulging along the medial wall of the middle part of the pars descendens duodeni that results in a slight widening of the duodenal lumen. It serves as an orientation point in radiology to localize the papilla duodeni major (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
The descending colic flexure marks the alteration of the direction colon between the descending and sigmoid colon (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
The rectosigmoid flexure marks the alteration of the direction colon between the sigmoid colon and the rectum (Musil et al. 2019 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 19:1-13).
Around the anus, a thin layer of smooth muscle fibres radiates from the orifice. By its contraction it raises the skin into ridges around the margin of the anus (Shafik 1976 Invest Urol 13:271-277).
Type of list P1F
List Unit Identifier 2275
Sublist 1 2276 ostium orale 149/88 on 16.12.2024
Sublist 2 2438 fauces 18/13 on 16.12.2024
Sublist 3 2460 pharynx 57/36 on 16.12.2024
Sublist 4 2509 oesophagus 19/20 on 16.12.2024
Sublist 5 2526 gaster 36/37 on 16.12.2024
Sublist 6 2559 intestinum tenue 43/44 on 16.12.2024
Sublist 7 2594 intestinum crassum 86/87 on 17.12.2024
Sublist 8 2658 hepar 76/77 on 20.12.2024
Sublist 9 2727 vesica biliaris 24/25 on 21.12.2024
Sublist 10 2746 pancreas 18/19 on 21.12.2024
Subtotals subchildren 526 subunits 446
Proper children 10
Number of children 536 (validated)
Proper units 1
Number of units 447 (validated)
Signature 2784 (validated since 21.12.2024)
Date: 21.12.2024